The Daily Visual Inspiration

The visual things that inspire me daily

Enjoy the ride



Let me take you back, way back, back in the time. Time when music was real, when instruments were still used, lyrics had a message or a lesson. Time of just music to chill to with dope beats, musicians being artists (not entertainers). This wonderful fourty-something lady has been around since 1996 (can I just add she looks amazing for her age!)
and it still shows, even today. Her music is real Soul food.




I was in a funk today, being very crabby and annoyed at everything. I went on Youtube to find some awesome music, instantly my mood changed. I was grooving to it, dancing with my eyes closed. Hope you enjoy this, and if you don’t know her by now – you really should – she rocks my world! I still have yet to go to her concert.. in the meanwhile I can just enjoy the beauty of Internet and Youtube.


PS. Do you remember the time when those Roland drum computers were used by everyone in the industry? Awesome times!



One comment on “Enjoy the ride

  1. duppyconqueror11
    July 18, 2013

    Hell yes! I miss those days so amen to that!

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