The Daily Visual Inspiration

The visual things that inspire me daily

Color Therapy

A couple of things on my mind lately, that I’d like to share with you guys. I just hope that I’ll remember to post about all of them. I guess if I forget, it didn’t matter in the first place. Lately, I’ve been getting into more metaphysics, mainly stones. What has always fascinated me are colors, and color therapy. Numerology has been something that has interested me too, as well as astrology. One thing at a time though.

Yesterday and today, I started looking at color therapy by accident. I found some pretty interesting sites and things. Some of which I’d like to share with  you, if you don’t mind. The next part is via Color Therapy Healing Art

Color Healing Attributes of White
The color White is used in colour therapy and color healing art for cleansing and purification. This colour also has the spiritual attributes of the White Flame/Ray of Purification used by the Holy Spirit Shekinah. In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, WHITE, PASTEL COLORS, BRONZE, COPPER, SILVER and GOLD are associated with the Element of Metal.

Color Healing Attributes of Red
The color Red is used in color therapy and color healing art for life force energy and vitality. Dark Red or Burgundy is especially good for healing the blood. This colour also helps clear, heal and balance the first or root chakra located at the base of the spine. In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, RED, BRIGHT ORANGE and YELLOW are associated with the Element of Fire.

Color Healing Attributes of Pink
The color Pink is used in color therapy and color healing art for love, self love/acceptance, compassion and nurturing. Pink radiates the energy of unconditional love is a very powerful force for emotional healing and support.

Color Healing Attributes of Orange
The color Orange is used in colour therapy and color healing art for healing sexual energy and for healing the sacral or second chakra. This colour also has the spiritual attributes of gratitude/thankfulness and for activating creativity and stimulating creative activities. In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, RED, BRIGHT ORANGE and YELLOW are associated with the Element of Fire.

Color Healing Attributes of Yellow
The color YELLOW is used in color therapy and color healing art for healing the third chakra or solar plexus. This colour also has the spiritual attributes of clarity and illumination. In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, RED, BRIGHT ORANGE and YELLOW are associated with the Element of Fire.

Color Healing Attributes of Green
The color GREEN is used in colour therapy and color healing art for healing the physical bodies, organs and systems. Lime green contains a lot of Joy and Happiness energy and green helps to clear, heal and balance the heart chakra. The darker tones of green like emerald green or forest green also has the spiritual attributes of Archangel Raphael’s Emerald Ray of Healing. In Feng Shui Colors,GREEN, LIGHT BLUES, TEAL and AQUAMARINE are associated with the Element of Wood.

Color Healing Attributes of Aquamarine
The color AQUAMARINE and other blue green colors like Turquoise and Bluegrass Green is used in color therapy and color healing art for the energy of flow. It is a great color to use to get energy moving more fluidly and also helps heal the interface between the physical body (green) and the mental body (blue).  In Feng Shui Colors, GREEN, LIGHT BLUES, TEAL and AQUAMARINE are associated with the Element of Wood.

Color Healing Attributes of Blue
The color BLUE is used in color therapy and color healing art for mental healing. This colour also has the spiritual attributes of inner peace and can be used to clear, heal and balance the throat chakra and third eye. Archangel Michael is very involved in the Blue Ray of Protection and a lot of times when I amworking with the Peace of GOD I see ultramarine blue. In Feng Shui Colors, LIGHT BLUE is associated with the Element of Wood and NAVY BLUE is associated with the Element of Water.

Color Healing Attributes of VIOLET
The color VIOLET is used in colour therapy and color healing art for Archangel Zadkiel’s Violet Flame of Transmutation and Transformation. A very powerful clearing and healing frequency. Also I find it is tied into the color healing properties of ultra violet light as well.

Color Healing Attributes of DIOXIDE PURPLE
I use the color DIOXIDE PURPLE a lot in the color healing art images I create because it is such a powerful color for deep level clearing – a very focused and dense use of the Violet Ray of Transmutation and Transformation.  In Feng Shui Colors, dark toned colours like DIOXIDE PURPLE are associated with the Element of Water.

Color Healing Attributes of BRONZE
The color BRONZE, BROWN, TERRA COTTA and BURNT SIENNA is used in color therapy and color healing art for grounding and helping people connect with Mother Nature.  In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, WHITE, PASTEL COLORS, BRONZE, COPPER, SILVER and GOLD are associated with the Element of Metal.

Color Healing Attributes of COPPER
I find myself drawn to the color COPPER when I am working on clearing less-than-love electromagnetic energies or for healing images around electronics. In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, WHITE, PASTEL COLORS, BRONZE, COPPER, SILVER and GOLD are associated with the Element of Metal.

Color Healing Attributes of SILVER
I often am drawn to add the color SILVER to a color healing image if it involves genetic healing or working with the DNA and genome. Almost all of my DNA Activation images have silver in them. In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, WHITE, PASTEL COLORS, BRONZE, COPPER, SILVER and GOLD are associated with the Element of Metal.

Color Healing Attributes of GOLD
When I am doing a color healing image for something or someone and I am drawn to GOLD or use GOLD leaf, a lot of times it means that the energy of sanctification and blessing is being infused into the image. GOLD also adds some additional ease and grace to the White Flame, Violet Flame and the dark clearing tones of colors.  In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, WHITE, PASTEL COLORS, BRONZE, COPPER, SILVER and GOLD are associated with the Element of Metal.

Color Healing Attributes of Pastel Colors
When I am working with watercolor paints or drawn to add pastel colors to a piece of color healing art, usually that means that the angels are adding angelic color therapy and color healing frequencies to the painting. Also pastels are used to add more ease and grace and divine ideal integration to healing art as well. In Chinese Feng Shui Colors, WHITE, PASTEL COLORS, BRONZE, COPPER, SILVER and GOLD are associated with the Element of Metal.

Color Healing Attributes of Bright Colors
When I feel drawn to use bright colors in a piece of color healing art often it signifies that new, high vibration energies and frequencies from the VOID are being added to the energies of the painting.

2 comments on “Color Therapy

  1. Paul J. Stam
    July 12, 2012

    My, My, I’ll have to completely rethink my home color scheme. Interesting post. I will be following you. Thanks for stopping by Paper, Mud and Me. I hope you will be back.

    • sarahuuu
      July 12, 2012

      Thank you for stopping by and following! :)

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